Ring 244 Mental(ism) Night 2007




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TJ does a quick revelation involing 3 helpers.... ...He then gets a quick lesson in picking assistants....
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....as the math major can't seem to count to the right word.... ....and he gets help from the accountant ....
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....and a brother magi... "Look...just count to the 9th word...it's right here...oh, maybe it's this one...oh...I see what you mean."

(TJ did bring the effect to a successful conclusion!)

<name please?>
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Pick a book ... any book
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OK...I think it was Mr. Green in the parlor with the lead pipe...right? I know you couldn't count for TJ...but can you read for me?


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The Old Master shows 'em how it's done.... ...and charms the ladies at the same time!
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"Watch the watch!...oh no ... Watch the Hypocyloid!"


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Mike shows 'em that Roy is not the only smooth operator. 779341241505_0_ALB.jpg


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As usual Bill delivers a combination of Mirth, Magic and Mystery (oh,yes, and charms the ladies)
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Are you thinking of the 7 of hearts? Take the force card, please!


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Name a card...and you sir...name a number...now deal down to that number in the deck... And indeed, it was the card at tat number. We are still wondering how it was done.
...and Zack also shows 'em can charm the ladies...hey...isn't that the same lady?


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Did you feel that? Can you hear me now? Nick demos some psychosomatic effects


Werner gives us another display of creativity.


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Another of Jim's very calm and cool deliveries...with a punch! 887728841505_0_BG.jpg

Random Shots


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"I'm Spartacus!....No, I'm Spartacus!" "Do you know how he did that?"

How come you're not in any of the shots?

Page Created 10/08/2007