On December 7th, 2006 Ring 244 hosted its annual holiday show at the Plainview Library. Mike Maione took and submitted these photos. |
MC Steve and the pop-away wand | |
Amazin' Jess lives up to her name! | |
Billy collects a lot of laughs with Spotty Bag ... | ...and..."Just one more knot!" |
Nick presents a unique mind reading effect | |
Magic Al is ready to perform on a moments notice...and so is Sponge Bob | |
Its no guess when Maryanne knows what you're thinking. | Wayne (no, that is not a self portrait) reels 'em in with Father Time |
Big finish with the whole Haarhaus family | |
And finally, Bill let's them pick a card... | ...and Magic finds it! |
"Bill, it's for you!" | "Ta-Da!" (Magic has left the building) |